Alaric Thornstaff, once known as the “Sage of the Shivering Peaks,” is a wizard whose name has become a whisper of legend among the scholarly and arcane circles. Born over a century ago in the humble village of Eldermire, Alaric displayed an early affinity for magic, particularly in the manipulation of elemental forces.
As a young man, Alaric left his home to study under various mages across the land, honing his craft and expanding his knowledge. His thirst for arcane wisdom led him to the Shivering Peaks, a mountain range said to house ancient secrets and powerful magics. Here, Alaric discovered the hidden library of an ancient wizard. Within its stone walls, he delved into tomes of forgotten lore, mastering spells that many believed lost to time.
As his power and fame grew, Alaric became an important ally of King Aerendil. As the kingdom has grown more fragile, Alaric has traveled Eldoria pursuing strange plans and mysterious machinations with ends that only Alaric can know.